2-6-28 Komachi, Kamakura-shi, Kanagawa-ken 248-0006, Japan Phone 0467-55-8295


We, GRAPE REPUBLIC INC. grow grapes and brew wine in Nanyo City, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan.
For our first attempt to set up our own restaurant and serve our own wine, we thoughtfully considered the ideal location where people could truly enjoy our offerings.

The same wine can taste and feel different depending on the environment. While enjoying wine alone is fine, sharing it with friends or a partner brings a whole new flavor to the experience.

We sought the perfect location to convey our vision of creating a distinct character that only Japanese wine can express, emphasizing organic cultivation and a deep connection to nature.
Kamakura, the ancient capital of Japan, came to mind as a place where, like our winery, you can feel the richness of nature, the mountains, and the sea.



  • Grand Opening

    We are pleased to announce the grand opening of GRAPE REPUBLIC INC. VINERIA SALONE, the newest branch of the SALONE Group, in the ancient capital of Kamakura.
    Please enjoy GRAPE REPUBLIC's wines made in close proximity to nature in Kamakura, where the sea and mountains are close by, in the "VINERIA" style, serving dishes that go well with wine.
    We sincerely look forward to serving you.

  • Cancellation Policy

    Cancellations made without prior notice after the reserved time may incur a cancellation charge. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.


Haruyuki Yano

Manager and chief winemaker of GRAPE REPUBLIC INC.

After graduating from culinary school, he began his career at an Italian restaurant in Kobe. Following his sommelier certification, he traveled to Italy, Australia, and New Zealand to deepen his knowledge of viticulture and winemaking.
Studied under Alex Craighead, advisor of GRAPEREPUBLICINC. in New Zealand. Returned to Japan in 2018 to join GRAPEREPUBLICINC. and relocated to Nanyo City, Yamagata Prefecture. Became head winemaker in 2019. Born in Kobe, Japan in 1989.


Our Job Opportunity Information


Grape farmer and winemaker

We are looking for people to join us in making wine together in the nature of Yamagata Prefecture, starting from growing grapes in the vineyard to brewing 100% grape wine without any additives.
Please contact us at the number below for more information.

Phone number for GRAPEREPUBLICINC. job openings
0238-40-4130 (To Yodokawa, in charge of recruitment)


Head chef candidates, manager candidates, kitchen staff, or service staff

We have published SALONE GROUP's thoughts and wishes in the note.
Please read them to imagine how we work togather.

The Salone Group is looking for people to work with us to make our restaurants thrive.
Would you like to work at a creative Italian restaurant in Marunouchi, Hibiya, Shibuya, Minami-Aoyama, Yokohama, Osaka, or Kamakura? Please feel free to contact us at the number below.

Phone number for SALONE GROUP job openings
090-2558-6414 (To Higuchi, in charge of recruitment)